Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Baby Shower #2 and the Nursery!

We had so much fun this past weekend at my second shower, hosted by my sweet girlfriends! Walton was so generous to have it at her awesome house! Thanks W!!!! She is expecting a little girl in July, so I know it took a lot out of her being pregnant also. All the girls who hosted went all out and did so much! You guys are just the best! I love you all!!!! Here are some pics....one with all the hosts-

one with Walton and Rebecca-

Little Michael got some of the cutest gifts!!! Everyone was so sweet to bring him just the most adorable stuff! It is so much fun to see all that is out there now for a baby- unbelievable!!! The hosts gave us the travel system, which has his stroller, car seat and base! Such an awesome gift...

Here is a pic with Mom...

and one with Blair and Muray...

Since the last 2 showers, little M's room is coming along! We have washed everything and have put keepsakes out on his bookshelves...His crib is dressed and ready for him...So is his changing table (and diaper genie!)Here is a close up of the 3 paintings Mom ordered to go over his crib...so sweet :)

Mom found this lamp and shade. She covered the shade to match the striped fabric....

Here is my flea market find. It was glossy bright pink (not too cute) so I sprayed it black. Mom covered the shades....so much better!

We just can't wait for his arrival- only about a month to go!!!! Man, the time flies! Mom and I were saying just the other day how we remember the countdown clock saying 200 something days!

Love you all!!! La

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Laura, The nursery is so cute and you look great! I know you and Lee are ready for baby Michael. Hope to see you all soon!