We decided it would be best to wait and tell family after our first Dr's appt, but that just took too long! So, on August 24th we told. The reactions were exactly as expected- Zan saw the picture and wispered "Are you PREGNANT?!!!", Cynde screamed and laughed at the same time, and Greg and Mike just kept smiling :)
We didn't want to tell friends until further along, but Hunter got a little tipsy and spilled the beans at the beach to our close friend Jason Smoker. Jason then went to Auburn with Lee for a weekend and all the secrets were revealed. The news spreads pretty fast!!!! It was actually such a relief to have friends know! When we went out for dinner, they would know why I wasn't having wine or beer! :)
I was extremely tired the first trimester (I remember Lee bringing me dinner in bed while I watched the John and Kate plus 8 marathon), but once that second trimester hit, all was great!
On September 10th, at around 7 weeks along, I looked like this...
At this week, http://www.i-am-pregnant.com/ said:"This week your baby has an amazing growth spurt. At the beginning of this
week, your baby is approximately 4 to 5 mm and by the end of the week it has
more than doubled to 11 to 13 mm! Your baby weights approximately 0.03
week, your baby is approximately 4 to 5 mm and by the end of the week it has
more than doubled to 11 to 13 mm! Your baby weights approximately 0.03
On September 14th, I went out with the girls to a ball, but not being able to have cocktails put a little damper on the night (we still had a great time though dancing up front by the band!:) My energy drained fast and the girls had to take ole preggers home!
On September 28th, Lee and I attended our 10 year high school reunion...it was so much fun to see all of our classmates with their families! Here we are at the school... we also attended the party (where I enjoyed cranberry and sprite drinks all night!)...
Then I got a little practice time in
She is the best practice, although she is such a good baby that Michael has a lot to live up to! She is always happy!!! Even with an ear infection, she was smiling and laughing all the time! Such a cutie pie!
I have learned a good bit about bath time, feedings, and tummy time from Tiffany! She is also helping me with all this registry business...of which I had no clue how many baby items were out there now! It is so nice to have a list of tried and true things you really need from her. One item that she said is a "must" is the miracle blanket. Hopefully that will be one of Michael's favorite things.
Mags just loves to make her way into the photograph...this is just one of many she makes her way into!
At this week, http://www.i-am-pregnant.com/ said:
"This is the last week of your first trimester and your baby weighs 14 to 20 grams. The crown-to-rump length of your growing baby is 2.6 to 3.1 inches. Your baby is now about the size of a peach."
Since I was at the end of the first trimester, and feeling pretty good
Everyone thought I was crazy to go to New Orleans "in my condition", but it was such a fun trip (I even had a virgin hurricane type drink at Pat O's!)...
Will and Jack kept rubbing my belly the whole weekend (maybe for good luck because we sure needed it with those 2 being together down in New Orleans, both for the first time!!!) It was so nice to have Rebecca there with us though, she was my sober partner for most of the trip (key word here is most :) Just kidding Becca!)
Well, that is enough for tonight! I will post the second half of the "As the baby grows" soap opera tomorrow...check back in soon! Love to all, La
1 comment:
Yea!! I love having another blog to follow! We haven't seen ya'll in a while, but before long we will be planning playdates for Michael and Riley! I cannot wait for your next post!
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